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We have rebranded!

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We have rebranded!

This year marks our 15th year in the industry and to celebrate we have decided to give our logo a well-deserved revamp!

Our history

Initially, we formed back in 2003, as a non-profit charity and were funded by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) and Viridian. Since then, we have become a self-funding, not-for-profit social enterprise, have partnered in numerous EU projects, become a registered Ofgem Agent, formed our very own energy association (AREA) AND opened an office in Dublin - to name only a few of our milestones!

Time for change

Over the years, our services have naturally developed and we thought it was time our logo did too. Our new logo is traditional, but with a twist. In-keeping with our roots, we have kept our original fan design, but decided to change the propeller colours to mark the diversity of our changing services. Soon, we plan to expand our business into new markets, particularly in the Republic of Ireland and in Great Britain.

Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten where we came from! Our strong team of 29 employees are preparing for our new adventures, so you’ll still be dealing with the same great team of renewable energy experts.

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