We're hiring a Senior Project Manager!
In July 2017, the UK government made the announcement that sales of all petrol- and diesel-powered vehicles would be phased[...]
Renewable generating stations are now commonplace in Northern Ireland. Try driving anywhere without coming across a wind turbine or solar[...]
We are pleased to announce the launch of our most recent community project, with Kilanerin-Ballyfad Community Development Association (KBCDA). Our[...]
Our 2018-19 fundraising for PIPS Charity has come to an end. We are pleased to announce that over the past year we[...]
A new EU project, HUGE (Hydrogen Utilisation and Green Energy), is launching next month. The project aims to address the[...]
The REDAWN project (Reducing Energy Dependency in Atlantic Area Water Networks) aims to foster the adoption of hydropower energy recovery[...]
As the global demand for energy continues to rise, so does its impact on the environment, the economy and our[...]
The renewables sector is becoming increasingly progressive and dynamic. To kick-start 2019, Action Renewables Energy Association (AREA) was delighted to[...]
The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) was created to implement Article 8 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive in the[...]
The EU Northern Periphery and Arctic Program funded Renewable Community Empowerment in Northern Territories (RECENT) Project held its final conference[...]
Around this time of year, many of our SSPV customers will have received their annual ROC payment. As part of[...]
We are currently seeking applications for two Technical Interns, to commence from 1st September 2018 onwards, for up to a[...]
Thank you for all the kind donations. We raised a total of £3251.80 for PIPS!
Ireland’s energy system has gone through a major transformation over the past decade. What was once a system saturated with[...]
If we are your agent for Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs) and export for your Solar, Wind or Hydro micro-gen technology, we now[...]
This year marks our 15th year in the industry and to celebrate we have decided to give our logo a[...]
Following Brexit, the UK will be released from its renewable energy targets under the EU Renewable Energy Directive and from[...]
Full planning approval has now been granted for the Northern Ireland section of the cross border electricity interconnector project –[...]
Last week Action Renewables staff attended the kick off meeting for the EU Atlantic Area €3.5m funded SEAFUEL Project, led[...]
Action Renewables Energy Association (AREA) was pleased to host ‘The Opportunities of Energy Storage’ seminar, held at The Doyen on[...]